Tuesday, March 11, 2008

7th-9th Grade Guys Work Day

This Saturday (the 15th) all 7th-9th grade guys are summoned to the Youth House for a work day. There will be some simple cleaning and more complex fun (painting a bathroom, fixing holes in the wall) projects. Show up ready to do a little work.

Meet at the Youth House at 10:00.
Lunch will be provided.

Upcoming YIHACs

There have been a few changes to the YIHAC schedule. Grab your calendar. And a pen. You ready?

April 6
April 27

Whats a YIHAC?
It stands for Youth In Homes After Church. Youth get together to hang out and fellowship and have some food in the home of a parent of youth or other church member. Transportation is provided. Meet at the church at 7:00 and we will be back to church at 9:30.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

MMM In the News

13WMAZ ran a story on March Mission Madness. Check it Out.

MMM Pics

Hey y'all. There are a bunch of pictures of March Mission Madness up on the MMM website. Check it out!