Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Activities

Middle School Christmas Party

Saturday, December 19 from 12:00-3:00

In the home of the Collins, but we will pick you up and return you to your house.

Bring a White Elephant gift and a 2 liter soda

High School Christmas Party

Saturday, December 19 from 7:00-10:00

In the home of the Laurences. Contact Josh (973-9329) for directions.

Bring a White Elephant gift and a dessert

Youth and Adult Choir Concert

Sunday, December 20 at 6:30

Followed by a finger food fellowship (bring your favorite finger food to share).

Christmas Shopping

Tuesday, December 22 from 9:00am-9:00pm (time we will leave and return to church)

We will be going to the Mall of Georgia for last minute Christmas shopping and fun and fellowship together.

Christmas Eve Communion Service

Thursday, December 24 at 6:00

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Christmas Float

The Youth and Children will have a float in the Christmas parade this Thursday, Dec 3. Come on out to see our rendition of a holiday past- about 2,000 years ago We will be displaying a living nativity.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


What IS YEC?Italic

YEC (Youth Evangelism Conference) is a huge youth event held every year at the Macon Colosseum. First thing you should know is its fun! The music really rocks, both the worship (Todd Agnew) and the late night concert (David Crowder). The speaker (Ed Newton) is funny, the skit guys will be hillarrious, and just being at this huge events surrounded by your friends and thousands of other youth is just cool. But YEC is about more than fun. Its also meaningful. The worship does rock, but its also powerful as you feel yourself connecting the words and the music and actually worshiping God. The speaker will make you laugh, but he will also make you think. Whether you are a Christian hoping to go deeper, or you've never really got what Christianity is all about, YEC is a chance to really think about what is important in life.


Cost: $40.

How to Register: Turn $40 in to Josh or the Church office.

When: NOW. Registration must be turned in during November so don't wait, register now.


Monday, December 28 PM: Doors open - 6pm

Worship: Todd Agnew
Drama: The Skit Guys
Speaker: Ed Newton
Concert: David Crowder* Band

Tuesday, December 29 AM: Doors open - 8am

Worship: Todd Agnew
Drama: The Skit Guys
Speaker: Anson McMahon

Upcoming Events

Christmas Float TBA- Macy & Tracy Buff

Christmas Party- Saturday, Dec 19- Caleb/Macy- Lynn Martin

Christmas Shopping- Dec 22- Woody/Obbie/Bridget- Lynn Martin

YEC- Dec 28-29- Woody/Bridget & Vicky Grigsby

Youth Committee & Student Council Retreat- Jan 3-5- Woody/Bridget & Allen Rackley. This retreat is for remembers of the youth committee and youth council to plan the upcoming year.

Parents Night Out- Feb 6- Taylor & John Sandusky

Ski Trip- Feb 12-15- Caleb & Allen. We will be going to Winterplace, WV. The cost is $20. There are only 20 slots available so the first 20 to register will be able to go.

MMM- Mar 26-28- Kyle & Tim

Holy Week- March 29-April 2- Daniel/Caleb/Macy/Brian will brainstorm ideas to make Holy Week more special and meaningful

Hiking- TBA- Christopher & John

Rush- TBA- Kyle & Vicky

If you have any questions or feedback about these events feel free to talk to the youth listed, the adult and Josh.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Yec Concert

December 28-29 the youth are going to yec (youth evangelism conference) a Christian concert at the Macon coliseum in Macon, ga. David crowder band and Leeland will be playing. the cost is 40 dollars. This is going to be awesome so sign up right away.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Youth Sunday Adult Sunday School Lesson

SPOILER ALERT- this is for youth eyes only!

Intro & Prayer

Begin by introducing your self to the class and having a time of prayer. Ask for prayer requests and then you may ask for a volunteer to pray.

Opening Activity– What’s wrong with this picture?

Explain that for the opening activity you will split into two groups. Each group will be given a piece of paper with a situation on it (these will be available along with pens & other supplies in the youth house Sunday AM). They will draw a picture of that situation.

When both groups are done ask for a representative to explain their groups drawing.


1. If these pictures were real, rather than imaginary, what do you think the relationship between the youth on mission and those in the mission setting might be like?

2. If this were an actual situation, why do you think the youth might appear the way they do instead of trying to fit into the mission setting?

3. When a person is trying to care for or help someone, what is important for that person to know and do?

Bible Lesson

Have a volunteer read 1 Corinthians 9:19-23

(if your read the info on the hearing scripture page this will be easier)

Discuss– is Paul saying we should be hypocrites? Why or why not?

Bible Activity– Corinthian Opinion Poll

Hand our the “Corinthian Opinion Poll” handout & pencils.

Have someone re-read 1 Corinthians 9:19-23

Give them a few minutes to fill in their answers. When most people are finished discuss the questions on the handout for both the church in Corinth that Paul was writing to and our church today.


1. What would convince you to join a particular group or club– compare that to the reasons that would convince Paul.

2. What, if anything, might you have to give up in order to try to be friends with everyone (to befriend them for the sake of the gospel)?

3. When have you thought, as Paul did, that serving other people is the best use of your time and your life. ?

Extra Activity
If you still have time finish the activity on the other side of the handout. Have them list their schedule then make changes to their schedule that would help them put others first for the sake of the gospel.

Close with a word of prayer in which you ask God to help us be more like Jesus and put the needs of others above ourselves.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

events for the year.

-Youth Sunday & Youth Week- Nov 1
the youth members of fbc will lead Sunday school and Sunday worship. throughout the week there will be a special emphasis on youth. all youth meet in the Youth house for donuts at 9:00 AM.

-Lock-In- Nov 13
for one night the youth of fbc will be locked in, where we play games, do bible study's, and watch movies

-Christmas Party-December 20
youth Christmas party

-Christmas Shopping- Dec 22
youth will go to a mall in Atlanta to go shopping for Christmas presents

-YEC- Dec 28-29
a Christian concert at the Macon Colosseum

-Youth Committee & Student Council Retreat- Jan 3-4
youth and adults will join forces to plan the year

-Parents Night Out- February 6
parents get a night to them selves where they drop their kids off to be supervised by members of the church. youth will host

Ski Trip- Feb 12-15
we will ski. it will be fun.

March Mission Madness- March 26-28
mission trip where youth of fbc go and help fix up the community. in downtown Atlanta

Holy Week- March 29-April 2

Christian concert at Rock Ranch

published by
Kyle Hensel

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Whats Going On

Sizzling Events

Friday, July 10– Pool Party at the Czarnowsky’s

Thursday, July 16– Bowling

Monday, July 20– Six Flags

Wednesday, July 29– Back to School Bash (Pool Party)


Wednesdays at 7:00 at the Youth House

July 1– The Penultimate Ultimate Tournament (winners: Caleb, Woody, Brian, Obi)

July 8– The Penultimate Holdem

(other board games available)

July 15– The Ultimate Ultimate Tournament

July 22– The Ultimate Holdem Tournament

Help the Kids

Every Wednesday morning we have a special children’s event. Youth are invited to come enjoy the event and help the kids have a fun time. There are very few slots available so definitely check with Josh in order to sign up.

July 8– Movie (Over the Hedge)

July 15– Pool Party

July 22– Macon Children’s Museum

July 29– High Falls Water Park

Sunday Socials

Every Sunday in July we will have a special social event from 1:30-4:00 in someone’s home. Show up for Sunday School to get the details. Transportation and lunch will NOT be provided, but directions to the house will, so be sure to have a ride and lunch plans.

Youth Interning

Mondays from 9:00-12:30

If you are looking to get out of the house and do some work (without getting paid) what could be better than an internship. Youth are invited to swing by the office and help with phone calls, blogging, mailing, fixing Josh coffee, and calling people on the phone.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Youth Choir Tour

Check out the Tour Blog for itinerary and daily updates of pictures, stories and more.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Great Job Youth

Hey y'all, thanks for the wonderful job with Youth Sunday. Between teaching 10 adult and 4 kids Sunday School and leading the whole worship service you had a big job, but you handled it wonderfully. I'm proud of all of you!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Youth Sunday

Youth Sunday is THIS SUNDAY. Be at the youth house at 9:00 AM.


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Spring Break Activities

Monday Frisbee Golf Tournament
When: 9:30-12:30
Where: Meet at the church to go to Monticello Disc Golf Course
Cost: $3 for tournament (optional) and money for lunch

Tuesday Paintball
When: 9:30-3:30
Where: Meet at the church to go to Dan’s Land in Jackson
Cost: $40 (this covers gun rental, course, paintballs, and small lunch)

Thursday Shopping
When: 9:30-2:30
Where: Meet at the church to go to Tanger
Cost: Money for lunch and any shopping you plan on doing

Thursday, March 26, 2009

March Mission Madness Details

Please turn in the remainder of $40 to the church office by this Friday at noon. The total cost for the trip is $75.

Most meals are covered, but bring money for two meals.

Meet at the church at 4:30

We will be in Athens most likely staying at the Howard Johnson Inn or the Holiday Inn.

Emergency Contact
In case of an emergency contact Josh at 478-973-9329.
Scott Ford is the MMM Coordinator and can be reached at 478-718-0850

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sunday, Mar 22

Youth choir will lead worship, followed by a snack supper for all youth and their parents.

Sunday Night
3:00 New Voice
4:15 Choir Rehearsal
5:30 Leave for Mt. Zion Baptist Church
6:00 Kyle Matthews in Concert
7:00 Go eat (bring $)
9:00 Return to Church

Monday, March 09, 2009

Mitch Says Hi

Don't think that being nominated for a Grammy has gone to After Edmund's head. Their lead singer Mitch emailed to say hi:

Great to hear from you! Thanks for the encouragement!! Tell the youth HI for us. We enjoyed D-Now with you guys. How are you?


Tuesday, March 03, 2009

After Edmund Nominated for Grammy

For all you After Edmund fans, I spoke with A.E.'s booking agent today.  He said they are doing great and let me know that they have been nominated for "Best Rock or Rap Gospel Album."  I sent Mitch an email and said hi for all of you and congratulated them for their good work.


Ski Trip Pictures

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Junior Parents

Sunday, March 8


Each year we celebrate the achievement of our graduating seniors with a special worship service and dinner.  Juniors and their parents host this recognition dinner. 


Parents of Juniors will meet at 4:45 in the Fellowship Hall on March 8 to begin planning.  If you can not make please send a representative to provide input and allow you to share how you would like to be involved. 


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Mercer Youth Day

Saturday, February 7


Mercer has prepared a free, fun day for youth including a praise band, a basketball game and lunch. 


9:15   AM                Leave from Church

10:00 AM                Praise Band

11:00 AM                Campus Tour

12:00 PM                 Lunch

1:30   PM                 Men’s Basketball Game

3:30   PM Player Testimonials

4:00   PM Dismissal

Monday, January 12, 2009

90 days of Christian Discipleship

If you haven't already started, its not too late to start practicing the 5 "basics" of Christianity.  All these practices are designed to help us as Christians (which litterally means "little Christ") become a little more like Christ.  

1.  Scripture (scripture reading guide)
2.  Stewardship
3.  Prayer
4.  Sabbath
5.  Sharing

Upcoming Events


Jan 16-18– Youth Choir Winter Retreat

Jan 25–

12:00 Lunch for youth & parents

March Mission Madness registration deadline,



Feb 13-16– Ski Trip

Feb 28– Dinner Theater



Mar 27-29– March Mission Madness


April 19– Youth Sunday



May 17– Senior Banquet