SPOILER ALERT- this is for youth eyes only!
Intro & Prayer
Begin by introducing your self to the class and having a time of prayer. Ask for prayer requests and then you may ask for a volunteer to pray.
Opening Activity– What’s wrong with this picture?
Explain that for the opening activity you will split into two groups. Each group will be given a piece of paper with a situation on it (these will be available along with pens & other supplies in the youth house Sunday AM). They will draw a picture of that situation.
When both groups are done ask for a representative to explain their groups drawing.
1. If these pictures were real, rather than imaginary, what do you think the relationship between the youth on mission and those in the mission setting might be like?
2. If this were an actual situation, why do you think the youth might appear the way they do instead of trying to fit into the mission setting?
3. When a person is trying to care for or help someone, what is important for that person to know and do?
Bible Lesson
Have a volunteer read 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
(if your read the info on the hearing scripture page this will be easier)
Discuss– is Paul saying we should be hypocrites? Why or why not?
Bible Activity– Corinthian Opinion Poll
Hand our the “Corinthian Opinion Poll” handout & pencils.
Have someone re-read 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
Give them a few minutes to fill in their answers. When most people are finished discuss the questions on the handout for both the church in Corinth that Paul was writing to and our church today.
1. What would convince you to join a particular group or club– compare that to the reasons that would convince Paul.
2. What, if anything, might you have to give up in order to try to be friends with everyone (to befriend them for the sake of the gospel)?
3. When have you thought, as Paul did, that serving other people is the best use of your time and your life. ?
If you still have time finish the activity on the other side of the handout. Have them list their schedule then make changes to their schedule that would help them put others first for the sake of the gospel.
Close with a word of prayer in which you ask God to help us be more like Jesus and put the needs of others above ourselves.