Monday, August 14, 2006

Whoooo- Lockin Time

It's almost here, only a few more days to the lockin this Friday! Meet at the church at 7:00 pm(or 11:00 if you have Fri night plans) for fun and fellowship. We'll have breakfast in the morning and finnish up at 7:00 am. The lockin will feature great games such as ultimate frisbee, fear factor and many more.

Experiencing the Psalms

Sunday nightslall year long Darell will be preaching the Psalms. He will be using “orientation,” “disorientation,” and “new orientation” as his structure for the Psalms. This is pretty cool, but we will be complimenting it with also exploring Psalms in a different way when the youth meets. Our emphasis will be on experiencing the Psalms- through music, readings, prayer and other stuff (You know I like to keep things a little mysterious so you don’t know exactly what is in store). Our first meeting will be August 20 (also the last day for “Grease”) and we will have a special guest musician (Brandon Rodgers, the worship leader from Park Avenue Baptist Church). If you are in choir- stick around, it is a little more singing but should be a different enough in style and I think you will find it refreshing. If you aren’t in choir- Come on to the church at 6:00, this is for everyone.

When: August 20, at 6:00 PM
Where: Youth House

Friday, August 11, 2006

Wednesday's Back

Remember last year, when I visited the church and there was this fancy Wednesday program featuring dinner and then a youth group Bible study or something along those lines. Well its back and better than ever. Im pretty excited, one of my first experiences with yall was leading a Wednesday night program. "So what do we have instore for this year?" you may be wondering. A lot. Of course theres the food at 5:30. Then theres the seeing your friends in the middle of the week and fun conversations. On a regular basis you should be able to expect some fun games or activities, a brief Bible/book/thematic study/discussion/brainstorm/experiment/experience/activity. I hope that really paints a clear picture of whats in store.

For the next few weeks we will be doing 101 (a designation in college of an intro level course). We'll start with Old Testament 101 and take an overview of the whole Old Testament in 4 weeks. I think this will be pretty interesting and informative and at the same time build a good foundation for some of the serious Bible study we will be doing thoughout the year.

You may want to read over the entire Old Testament as we may be doing a gameshow style event.

Have a good week yall

Monday, August 07, 2006

Malawi Fundraiser

This Saturday New Heights Baptist Church Youth will be doing a fundraiser for Missions in Malawi from 11:00-4:00. We were invited to attend and I wanted to pass along the invitation to yall. Whether or not any of us can attend, I think it is awsome to see what God is doing around the world and even through youth groups around us. I love the opportunities we have to serve God here at FBC, but am trying to remember what is going on with or brothers in sisters in Christ at different churches. Its kind of nice to see some of the different pieces of the puzzle (a reference to this past weeks sermon) can come together.

158 Lamar Rd.
Macon, GA 31220
Click here for a Map

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Youth Council

Ready to become even more involved in your youth group? Committed to growing spiritually? Do you have a passion for helping others? Do you have ideas for the youth group but no where to express them?

This years Youth Council will re-energize our church's commitment to spiritual growth and youth involvement. We know that being young doesn't mean you don't have good ideas, or strong committment or any of that stuff people sometimes think about youth. Youth Council isn't for everyone though as it requires an ability to commit time and effort to planning and working to improve the youth group as well as to grow spiritually.

An all new application form will be available starting Sunday, August 13. There will be two representatives for each Sunday School Class age group (7th&8th), (9th&10th), (11th&12th). Criteria for selection will include a lot of factors suchc as commitment, availability, diversity (we don't want all girls for example, or three people from one family) and will be determined by the Youth Committee. Stay posted for more details or contact Josh ( if you have any questions.