Monday, August 14, 2006

Whoooo- Lockin Time

It's almost here, only a few more days to the lockin this Friday! Meet at the church at 7:00 pm(or 11:00 if you have Fri night plans) for fun and fellowship. We'll have breakfast in the morning and finnish up at 7:00 am. The lockin will feature great games such as ultimate frisbee, fear factor and many more.


FBC Youth said...

Ok, we have 1 male and 1 female chaperone for the whole night. We could still use a couple more even if they only do part of the lock-in. Also, please plan on meeting in the youth house at 11:00 if you go to a football game.

FBC Youth said...

Chaperone Update: We have 2 new names to add to this list. Two adults will help from 5:30-7:00am on breakfast.

Lynn Martin said...

Will chaperone whole night.....

Lynn Martin

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


FBC Youth said...

The lockin was great but I'm still super tired.