Sunday, August 06, 2006

Youth Council

Ready to become even more involved in your youth group? Committed to growing spiritually? Do you have a passion for helping others? Do you have ideas for the youth group but no where to express them?

This years Youth Council will re-energize our church's commitment to spiritual growth and youth involvement. We know that being young doesn't mean you don't have good ideas, or strong committment or any of that stuff people sometimes think about youth. Youth Council isn't for everyone though as it requires an ability to commit time and effort to planning and working to improve the youth group as well as to grow spiritually.

An all new application form will be available starting Sunday, August 13. There will be two representatives for each Sunday School Class age group (7th&8th), (9th&10th), (11th&12th). Criteria for selection will include a lot of factors suchc as commitment, availability, diversity (we don't want all girls for example, or three people from one family) and will be determined by the Youth Committee. Stay posted for more details or contact Josh ( if you have any questions.

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