Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Update

Ok, so a bits gone on and I thought I'd let yall who couldn't make it in on it all.

Movie Night- This was a bit of a shocker. So far we have watched Glory Road, and End of the Spear. Last week was a bit of a surprize since many were expecting the light hearted teen angst-filled geekfest of a comedy, Napoleon Dynamite only to find the serious story about Missionaries (and even babies) getting killed. Granted, it probably also was happier in the sense that it show the bleak reality of human nature but how love, compassion and forgiveness could transcend violence and pointed to a type of life that has a meaning that Napoleon Dyn. himself is so desparately lacking. Anyway, the idea last night was a comedy and several folks brought movies in. Two of the big comedies I thought would have a good chance of being voted on were Pink Panther and School of Rock. However, in a shocking twist of events the dark horse romatic comedy Dave somehow emerged teh victor after a couple of rounds of elimination voting. I'll admit I was surprized as were the perplexed proponents of Shool of Rock and they were vocal about their dissent. However, an hour later I observed that they were glued to the TV, laughing at all the jokes, holding back tears at the sad parts and yes, staring with that hard to describe look girls have during chickflicks during the romantic parts.

Guild Wars- This has been the week that Guild Wars has exploded. We are continuing to work on the youth blog and have begun to establish a bit of a schedule getting online and... fellowshiping. A couple highlights include the addition of Woody as our newest member and the continued progress of Kevin as he has marched his way into Tyria. Our next scheduled game where we all try to get on is this sunday afternoon, possibly around 2:00.

Youth Interning- Thanks for your help guys, we are moving into a great year thanks to your effort. Youth are the backbone of any youth group (that shouldn't be hard to figure out with the name and all but sometimes us guys in our twenties aren't as smart as we could be) and you guys are continuing to make the FBC Youth group great. I was in a staff meeting with Darrell and Glen and I proclaimed- "This is going to be a great year for our youth and children's ministry." I wasn't just saying that, usually I am not one to predict too great of results because I don't want to raise expectations higher than I can meet. Here at FBC I have seen yall in action and I am convinced that I can make that big promise because yall have big hearts and are going to make this a fantastic year full of wonderfulness (yeah, I think thats a Taylor Expression). In other words, its going to be so dang much fun.


Anonymous said...

Hey Josh can we watch Bentchwarmers tomorro??? We rented it from Ingles.

FBC Youth said...

Thanks for bringing that. It was really funny and had a good point (although I was a little embarrased a few times- lol).

Anonymous said...

it was pretty funny